Part 2
You watered me—
and waited patiently.
It was a long time
before you saw a bud.
Still, you never faltered.
You watered me—
and waited patiently.
It was a long time
before you saw a bud.
Still, you never faltered.
My past haunts me.
I Can’t tell you how many nights I have
dreams of
Past friendships
Past relationships.
Got me waking up feeling
like shit.
Growing pains they call ‘em.
You gave me my passion for writing,
for nothing urged me to pencil my thoughts more than losing you.
My talent is God given, but you flamed my fire.
I wonder if you know that I still thank you.
This journey with you hasn't been perfect.
Nothing real ever is.
But it's always been bountiful, and growth is beautiful.
The rough waters showed our endurance and over and over we remain committed to this. To us.
It feels like work, but good work.
It’s the dream job.
We are wiser together,
and yet more vulnerable.
We materialize everything that feels good and light in our lives.
We know it's God-sent because the steps don't drain us...they don't leave us restless.
With you, I’ll walk the great mile.