My Daily Morning Routine

For the past couple of years I began getting serious about taking some extra steps to ensure I’m healthy.  This involved taking regular vitamins, which was somewhat difficult for me since I don’t like taking pills and I tend to forget to take medications as prescribed after a few days.  However, I pushed through and taking my vitamins naturally became part of my daily routine.  Last year when Covid-19 took over our lives, I felt a bit more at ease because I already had a system in place that boosts my immune system.  

One of the steps I take that I know contributes to my health happens in the morning when I’m brushing my teeth.  After I brush my teeth, I rinse my nose with a saline spray (ie. Neti Pot) and flush my system of any mucus.  (You’ll be surprised what flushes when you think you’re fine and not congested!). I do this each and every morning.  I then follow with 2-3 drops of wild oregano oil under the tongue.  I LIVE by this oregano oil.  It will kill any cold/flu symptoms in a day or two.  As I previously mentioned, I do this everyday, even when I don’t feel sick.  When I feel I am starting to get a cold, which rarely happens now, I increase how often I may do the neti pot and I increase the number of drops of oregano oil in the morning. 

I used to be a person that was constantly congested and would often get colds.  This is not a problem for me anymore since I began taking these extra steps. 

Note: The vitamins I take daily are a woman’s vitamin, elderberry, echinacea, and golden seal.  I also take into consideration my diet, sleep, and exercise.  Photographed above is the oregano oil I use and a saline spray that may be a more sensitive option to begin with and that the entire family can use.